Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Favorite Things

I am headed to a "Favorite Things" party with the group I affectionately call "The Supper Club".  (We are much tamer than the "Breakfast Club" but a bit more wild than the "Lunch Bunch".)  My wonderful friend Sarah N. hosts each month and everyone else makes or buys something to add.  We have wildly entertaining conversation and super delicious food and we solve all our life's problems in about 2 hours.

Sarah sent out beautiful invitations weeks ago so I have had a lot of time to think about what I want to bring for our gift exchange.  {Each attendee is to bring five of her favorite item.}  I have mulled this over in my head for hours.  Should this really be so difficult?

So I brought it to a higher power.  My first Sara, the person who knows me best.  Her immediate response,  "Well, you don't have favorite things."

So that explains why I draw a blank every time I try to come up with my favorite thing.  I don't have favorite things.  I have things I like, things I think are convenient, things I would like, but no favorite things.  I just don't value things that much.  I make due with what I have and sometimes make things to fill a need but I don't always purchase the same item, brand, or luxury.

I do have favorite people, favorite scripture, favorite places to hang out, favorite meals and treats to share with others.

So, what's a girl to do.  The party is two days away and still no favorite thing......

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