Friday, October 31, 2008

Mt. Excess

I have felt God telling me for some time to be content. It started in July, at Beth Moore, where I felt God telling me to be content with my job. It is a good job that hopefully impacts kids for the kingdom. Then as I began to shop for school clothes I again felt God prodding me. Be content. God gave me a visual this month. I now know I live in excess. After eleven days of not being able to do laundry I still didn't have to repeat an outfit. I'm not sure where to go with this but I do know I certainly do not need any more clothes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His object lessons hit the mark, don't they? But before you drag out the guilt complex, reread Philippians 4:12. There are times of plenty and there may be times of want. In all times, praise and thank Him.
Love you Suz,