Saturday, February 2, 2008

Prison Drama

"This group tonight is going to present a drama. Not prison drama but actual drama."
This is how Susan introduced the drama team from Faith Covenant last Monday as we anxiously awaited our time to do the show. Not prison drama but actual drama...that thought stuck in my head.

Last July, two other women and I wrote a drama that interweaved our faith stories with the psalms. After performing it for a church service we were excited to present it again and that opportunity arouse when we were invited to revival night at a local women's prison. To be honest, I was really look forward to having the night be over. At this point in my pregnancy I am lucky to remember Elijah's name much less lines for a 40 minute dramatic presentation! This was to be my last drama until after baby is born and I was glad to get my Thursday nights back again.

The women filled the room, there were 100 of them. They were about three feet from our performing area and there were no spot lights to blind us and hide their faces. Some faces were alert, some faces skeptical, same faces down right angry. We all struggled to remember our lines, until we remembered we needed to pray. We prayed for us, "Lord bring our lines out in such a way that it will be authentic"; we prayed for them, "Lord, prepare their hearts, touch their hearts, change their hearts."

Worshipping with them and presenting the drama was much like I imagine it would be like in a Southern Baptist church. Most of them worshipped with their whole beings; their faces shining in the Light. Those that were not quiet there worshipped with their mouths; their faces yet skeptical. There was more Amening, Yes Lording, did she really say that, and applause going on during our presentation than I have ever heard in my 29 years.

At the end our director suprised us by asking us to speak on what God was doing in our lives now. Not prison drama but actual mind raced. What could I possibly talk about that would ring true to these women. My life has drama but I do not have prison drama and my drama seems much more petty compared to their situations. Oh Lord, bring me words.
I told them about how God had been beating me into submission when it comes to controlling my life. I implored them to remember that in all things God has control; we just have to remember to let go.

It was a blessed night all around. These women are forever in my heart. I pray that their prison drama will lead them to Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless you, my dear Suzanne. May you continue to walk bravely wherever God leads.
Love you,