Friday, May 9, 2014

Dear John

Dear John,   You made it!  You have successfully finished your Kindergarten year.  It was fun (mostly) and a little bit hard too, uh?  I am so proud of you.  This year I saw you learn how to let others go first.  You learned how to read and discovered that words are everywhere!  You learned that some times people are not nice but that we can love them anyways.  You fell in love with Mrs. Otten and declared her the best teacher ever.  I am so proud of you!  (I think I already said that.)

You are growing up so quickly and I love the personality God gave you.  You have such a heart for people and care about them.  I also saw a very sensitive side to you this year.  What other's say is not always kind and you learned the power of words first hand.  I pray you carry that lesson with you always.

You never cease to amaze me, buddy!  You finished your whole AWANA book and reviewed it all with minimal help from me.  Keep God's word in your heart and call on during those tough moments. 

Let's have a super fun summer, ok?  Lots of playing and getting dirty and giggling.  I have missed having you at home with me and can't wait for the house to be full of boys again.

Thanks for all the joyful moments!
Love you most!

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