Friday, August 7, 2015

A Psalm

A lifetime ago I taught a Faith Formation class.  I rarely taught the same thing twice since each group of kids was so different but one thing we did each year was study the Psalms and then write our own.  I say we because teaching this class was just as much about my faith formation as it was about theirs. 

I came across the Psalm I wrote some years ago.  Not surprisingly it still rings true.

Your beauty is all around me,
yet my heart is not satisfied. 
Your love has set me free,
but still I am enslaved.
Why am I always floundering about -
searching -
when only You have the answers?
The desires of the world
push the desires of my heart
Holy Father, satisfy my heart.
Amazing God free me from slavery.
Faithful Friend help me seek your counsel.
I praise your HOLY name.
Strengthen me
sanctify me
fill me
Oh, Holy Spirit.
Set my focus on You;
set my feet on the path You blazed
I praise your HOLY name.

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