Wednesday, December 23, 2009

THE week

... or is it better worded the Weak? In either case we have had a weak week. It is not often that our whole family gets hit at once with illness, usually it is just me and the kids. Chris remains safe in his hidey-hole in the basement. This past week was different. Wednesday was the start of our weak week. John started throwing up during nap (gross). He continued to throw up every 15-20 minutes (no exageration) until he went to bed at 6:30. I started to throw up somewhere between Russia and writing Christian words to secular Christmas songs on Thursday. Good thing I had my empty water container for the ride home, although my intervals were fewer than John's. Let's just say it was not empty when we arrived home. Elijah started throwing up just as I stopped Thursday night and Chris followed two hours later. I am sure that all the linens in our house have been washed, twice, in what was the longest night of my life since giving birth to Elijah.

One thing that struck me was that often I am flippant about my health. I mean, if I die I know where I am going. And I am used to sucking it up. I avoided the doctor as a teen and young adult because I didn't want my mom to have to pay another bill. But Thursday night, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were reminders that health is a gift.

The other thing that struck me is that one should be very careful what they pray for. I have been fervently praying for some self-control in the area of food. I don't know what it is about food that controls me so but I know it has to stop. Well, when one cannot eat because doing so causing severe stomach pain, food starts to look a bit different. It is not longer a comfort or a friend but really a despised enemy. I guess God really does use whatever comes into our lives to teach and mold us.

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