Saturday, March 8, 2008

Things that make me happy

I remember watching a game show that was all about naming things on a list, I think it was called The $10,000 Pyramid, and I have been feeling a bit on the crabby side lately, so I need to change my point of view. Here is a list of things that make me happy ( in no particular order)
Going to Tuesday night Bible study
Kisses and hugs from my boyfriends
Baby kicks
Root beer
Talking to my sister on the phone
Hearing "Jesus Love Me" sung by my favorite artist, Elijah
New clothes
Not having to worry anymore
Knowing my husband loves me even though I look pretty round right now
Helping someone out
Ice cream
Planning a great week of meals
Crossing things off of my lists
Counting my blessings
Playing hide and seek
Nap time
Sleeping in
Hot showers
Flowers - for no reason
Reconnecting with old friends
Spring Break
Learning new things

1 comment:

Sara said...

Why in heaven's name do you like talking on the phone to me? I'm the definition of b-o-r-e! I need to work on some new material to entertain...or you need higher standards, mi hermana! :-)