Saturday, March 1, 2008

Thank You

Friends are so wonderful! Tonight our dear friends the Millbauers decided they needed an Elijah fix. I had a party to go to, Chris is out of town with the senior high kids from church, and I have been mommy-on-duty with no breaks for a long time, so I decided to take them up on their offer. To my suprise, their offer was extended to an overnighter. Yes, these wonderful parents of a sixth grader and a fourth grader, wanted to keep my toddler. So it is 9:00, I am blogging and when I post this I am going to go to bed. It will be silent; no little boy sleeping noises, no humidifer. In the morning I am going to get up, drink hot chocolate, do some bible study, shower, and then get ready for church. No rush, no negotiating, just peace and quiet. Thank you Millbauers for loving Elijah, for giving me a break, and for being such a great model of friendship!

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