Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Measuring Growth

Sunday was our quasi annual measuring day.  Marks on the wall in the kitchen inched upward as we got out the ruler and Chris' level eyes to see how much growth occurred over the course of the past year.

And while the marksclearly show physical growth it doesn't show the growth we are really more concerned with.  A quick inventory of spiritual growth shows a desire for intellectual knowledge in one of my boys.  A desire for relationship from another.  It shows a growing fascination with creation through the eyes of a youngster.  An innocent love of worship in a toddler's heart.

A deeper inventory shows struggles with what the culture says is okay versus what the Bible says is okay.  Struggles with the sins of deception, cheating, land anger bubble up.  There are struggles with insecurity, obedience, and fear.

The young people are not the only ones measuring growth.  Not the only ones who want to know, "Did I move up?"  Bible study has been hitting close to home and making us uncomfortable.  Taking stock is something of an annual event but lately it has been forefront as we wrestle with our time use, our hobbies, and our treasures.

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