Saturday, June 14, 2008


Today was Chris' first race of the season. I love going out and cheering for him. I feel such a swell of pride when I see him out there giving it his all. But, I was nervous about going today. John had a very rough day yesterday; needing to be held most of the day because his poor tummy hurt (I think). How was I ever going to get two boys and myself out of the house by 7:15 and to the race and keep them entertained between Daddy spottings?

It happened perfectly. John slept great last night and got himself on a great schedule for the day. Elijah woke up all excited to see Daddy race. I was rested enough and had prepared enough the night before to be ready as well. Chris had a fantastic race. He beat his time from last year (but he did finish in third for his age group instead of second in his age group). Elijah was a super good boy cheering and playing at the park. John was a fantastic baby sleeping all morning. Plus, when Daddy was done Elijah got more park time and a cookie! What could be better?

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