Friday, March 14, 2014

Conversation with a Two-Year Old

The scene:  Target, Friday morning, women's clothing

Daniel:  I scared

Mom:  Of what, buddy?

Daniel:  Jesus 
            (cue woman in next aisle to begin laughing)

Mom:  Why are you scared of Jesus?

Daniel:  Jesus died on the cross
           (cue woman in next aisle to turn red with laughing)

Mom:  He did do that.  He loves you, Daniel.

Daniel:  Noooo, Jesus no love me
           ( cue woman to possibly wet herself)

Mom:  Yes, Jesus does love you

Daniel:  (singing)  The Bible tell me so.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Oh my, how a child ponders things. My big question, how did you keep a straight face?!! Love that little guy.