I live a seriously blessed life. I might not always show it, say it, or appreciate it, but at the end of the day as I lay my head on the pillowcase I have had for most of my life (it is made from a sheet that was my mom's from the '70s) I know I live a blessed life.
A thing that has been floating around that pinning sight that sucks my time and make me feel inadequate in the crafting department is to have a jar that collects the blessings of the year. You would open and read through the blessings on New Year's Eve as a way to reflect on the great parts of the year. I would never remember to do this...I can't even remember to write in baby books or get what I need from the grocery store. I do think that the Holy Spirit brings my blessings to mind when I most need them.
Here are just a fraction of my greatest blessings from 2012:
1. New friends and deepened friendships with old friends. I prayed for friends, good friends at the beginning of 2012 and the Lord was so faithful in blessing me with such wonderful women. Bree, my Sarah's, some Bible Study women who share their wisdom and rebuke me with love; Jill, who is like a sister, my Supper Club buddies, and so many others the God has brought into my life.
2. Health Insurance. It is silly but what a blessing to be in professions with health insurance, especially since 2012 was a year we needed it in a big way. As Chris and I received bill after bill for his surgery we thanked the Lord for insurance. It gave me such a different view on how people can slip into poverty and other trouble so easily. Seriously, the debt we would have to have endured would have crushed us. Praise God!
3. Career Changes. Even on the days when I have to kiss John so I won't yell at him, I know what an incredible blessing it is to be a stay at home mom. I am still not very good at it but this on the job training is getting better.
4. 4 Boys. The fun we all have is insane and should be illegal. My heart overflows with joy when I watch these boys. Elijah is growing into such a boy (where did the baby days go?) and he is so stinkin' smart (he gets it from his Dad). John has such a heart to share Jesus that it doesn't occur to him to be afraid. Daniel gets right in there with his brothers and is the king of the bathtub. And my favorite boy, Chris. Man, how did I get so blessed to have a husband who works so hard for our family and who works so hard to learn and love and grow in the Lord. I love that man more today than ever!
5. Family Ties. Growing up in a broken home changes your perspective on things. While I am a statistical anomaly, family is still something that is uber important to me. Having my maternal grandma, Pearl, want to be in the same room as my Dad was a major blessing of 2012. No longer do I feel the need to alter my conversations or avoid telling Grandma Pearl where I am going. Taking care of Grandma Pearl is also a blessing. I am so glad to have more time and energy to do so. She is still learning to lean on me and not so much on my beautiful sister but we are getting there.
6. Home. One of the prayers I prayed while we were in the decision making process on me staying home was that I would be happy in the apartment. I had just told Chris that I would live there forever when God opened up some doors for us to be able to purchase a home. The process was long but we had the second best (can't top my lifelong friend Sarah K.) agent in the area, Angie. She was real and truthful and kept at it for us. The home we were blessed to get fit all of our "wants" and now we have the honor of blessing others with it. I am so excited to see how God uses this house in the future for His glory.
7. Bible Study. There is something about going through God's word with a group of women that really makes me happy. I love perspectives and how people process what they are being told. The group I was placed in has this great woman who refuses to allow people to justify or use loopholes to get out of what God is teaching. I LOVE IT! John, too, looks forward to Thursdays and his Bible Study. He even dresses up.
8. Sara. I don't think there has been a day when I haven't heard, "Auntie Sara......." We love that girl around here. She blesses the socks of us and me. I could go on and on...
I am seriously blessed.
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