Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dearest Elijah

I am so proud of you!  I always have been but the last two weeks have been especially proud moment filled. Earlier this Fall your teacher suggested we consider the advanced program for you.  It would involve testing and some rigmarole   When Daddy and I pitched the idea to you; you shrugged your shoulders and said, "Sure."  So off you went to a room with a stranger to answer questions for an hour.  A year ago, there is no way you would have done that.

Those test results confirmed what Daddy and I have known since, well, always.  You are brilliant.  I had an inkling of this when you insisted on reading all of the books on the bookshelf at the ripe age of 10 months.  You would grab a book, sit on a lap and turn pages, then return the book and grab another.  Now you read a whole chapter book in a day, by yourself.  When I can't find you, I know you are sitting at your desk, reading away.

Tao Kwan Do also makes me incredibly proud.  You tested last night and I am amazed at how much you have to remember!  You are only 7 and everyone there was older than you but there you were, in front of the judges kicking and punching and blocking and taking down with the big guys.  I know you were disappointed that you didn't break your board but man I got tears just seeing how brave and determined you were!

I love you more than the words in the heart can express.  I am so blessed to be your Mama!
You bring me great joy.



Sara said...

AND you are a good friend to your cousins, the best big brother ever, and a sweet example of Jesus. I might be more proud to be your aunt than your mom is to be your mom! :-)

Barb said...

Tim was so impressed with what a good reader he is. Tim was totally delighted by all your kids. I wish I could have been there too.