We are in such a season of trusting the Lord right now. I found out at work this week that all staff is taking/getting a 13-15% pay cut. I had prayed, albiet not frequently, that the Lord would solve Gethsemane's money trouble and I had trusted up until the moment our boss shared the news. When the news hit my ears, I found myself spinning. My brain hasn't stopped spinning since Tuesday's meeting. How are we going to afford to pay daycare, buy groceries, pay student loans, the mortgage, gas up the car....
I kept telling myself to hold tight. To not do the typical Suzanne-emotional response. In truth, I have done okay but I have found myself going over the deep end a few times when talking with coworkers (so maybe it is more grousing than talking).
Then today I had faculty devotions in my room. I had planned a devotion based on 2 Corinthians 12:7 where Paul speaks to the sufficiency of God's grace. I had a brilliant illustration in the Hoyt family. They are a father/son team who do triathlons. Only the son is handicapped and has to be pushed, carried, and wheeled through the three event race. As I was speaking my devotion God spoke to my heart and reminded me that He is just like Doug Hoyt, pushing me through this time of uncertainty and stress. I can rest in Him; He will take care of us as we make decisions and look for provision.
Thank you God, because my head hurts!
Here is the link if you want to see the video.
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