It was also the year that God brought me to my goal a bit early. Usually I sit and think and pray and ponder over what it is God wants me to work on but this year God brought it right to me. And early on too. In July, I felt God telling me to be content. So I stopped my job search and went about my life. Little did I know God wanted me to be content in all areas of my life. And when I say all I mean all. Let me give you an few examples. I usually get money for my birthday so I can get some new school clothes, but this year I could not find anything. Not one single thing appealed to me. So I looked in my closet and for the first time saw how abundantly clothed I am. Another example comes with my car. The good old Stratus is pushing 162,000 miles, it leaks powerstreering fluid, and has a mystery leak in the exhaust. We decided it was time to trade it in. However, for the past 9 months we have been unable to find another car. We are either moments too late when we call, are not satified when we drive one, or feel we are being cheated with trade-in offers ($200 bucks is the lowest). The car still runs great and serves its purpose so God says be content. (I'm working on it.)
The one area I am not content and where I am sure God would agree I need more is in my relationship with Him. Through Bible study and prayer I have come to know and understand that I need more of Him and less of me. John 15:5 is my memory verse for this week, "I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you; you will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing." I am striving this year to let the nagging notion of discontentment drive me ever closer to my Father. I cannot be content until my relationship with Him is perfect. I guess that means I will always been striving.
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