Sunday, November 11, 2007

Really, always?

In December of 2006 Chris challenged me to find a word to live by for 2007. I love a great challenge and so I set out to find the perfect word to epitomize the new year. I had just recently heard a sermon on 1 Thessalonians 5:16 and felt joy was a great word. Who doesn't like to be happy?

Life was great so joy seemed like an easy word to live up to. Little did I know that God had a challenge for me. "Let's see if you really mean it," was the response God had for my flippant choice. Over the course of 2007 I learned to look for joy in the strangest and smallest places.

Joy is what we are commanded to have always, in all situations, even the ones we think stink. My journey with joy is ongoing.


1 comment:

Sara said...

Oh my, do you ever need a better standard for "good ideas!" This is swell! Love you! Sis Sara