Thursday, November 15, 2007


Note: My connection has been reestablished! Yeah!

As a teacher I teach lessons all day long. How to draw a theme out of story. How to analyze a character for stereotypes. How to figure out which word is the verb. How to read and understand. How to write a poem using only seven words.

As a teacher one would think I would be a master at learning lessons. On the contrary I realized the other day that I am probably one of the most difficult people to teach. Oh the frustration God must feel when dealing with me. I look back on 2007 and think, "Really, it took me a whole year to figure out I need to let you do my worrying for me. I need to let you have control."

Thank you, dear patient Father, for being a diligent teacher. May you grant that I too would be as diligent with the students in my care.

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