I will no despair; God is in control...God is always good...God is always watching...God is always with me.
I had reason to slip into despair last week. Chris headed off on Wednesday early morning for his yearly FCA Endurance board retreat in sunny San Diego. On Monday, Daniel woke up barking like a seal. By Tuesday night I knew things were going to get ugly. A fever seized him and he could not shake it. He spent two days on the couch before I finally called the doctor.
Four nights of no sleep and then Micah started throwing up. A lot. I had spitty babies with the older two so I knew this was not run of the mill spitting up. This was full on clearing-out-the-contents-of-the-stomach throwing up. Only, I didn't put it together right away because Daniel was so sick. And I was all alone in my parenting.
Except I am never alone. One night I saw every hour tick by on the clock as I bounced between Daniel and Micah. And I called out. I knew as long as I was awake I needed to make the most of it. So I prayed and begged for relief.
He sent it. Her name is Ashley (I love Ashley's; I have a step-sister who makes me smile. She is an Ashley). She needed a place to stay while visiting her boyfriend (now fiance) and we have an extra room and heart to use it to serve. She watched the older three on Saturday so I could get groceries. She snuggled Micah right to sleep so I could snuggle Daniel and fold the fifteenth load of laundry I had done that week. She colored with the big boys and listened to their stories and even watched a super hero movie with them.
God is good and in control and watching and always with me. Sometimes He sends a reminder in the form of a beautiful young woman.
And I thank Him.
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