When we got pregnant with Micah the conversation turned quickly to a discussion on how big the Lord may want our family. Honestly, when we got married, I only wanted one baby. Chris on the other hand had a different idea. I still remember it as clear as if it was yesterday. Driving home from Northwestern College of Chiropractic on Penn Ave. The sun was shining and we were having a newlywed discussion about kids. "I want 4." He wanted four boys to be exact. I choked and nearly hit a another car.
Yes, I had always wanted to be a mother but four kids, four boys. That is a little much. What would I do with four boys? How could we feed four boys? But way back in 1999 I could put it all out of my mind because kids were seven years away.
And now we have four boys. During my pregnancy I felt like we were being told this was it for us. Chris agreed that he also felt like four was what the Lord had in mind for us. But, one can never be sure, maybe we are just reading things wrong.
But then we delivered Micah and my doctor said, "Wow!" I'm laying on a table with half my body numb. Chris is snapping photos like a paparazzi. Micah is screaming. "What, what is wow?" I asked a bit nervously. She went on to tell me that my womb was done. The walls that hold a baby were so thin she was shocked Micah made it. "I don't think you could hold another pregnancy."
With that, we were done. No more babies from my womb. I've been mourning that a little bit. It is such a huge part of being a woman and has been such a big part of my life. Processing that that part of life is over for me has been mixed with relief and tears. I am extremely grateful for the four beautiful boys we were given. I am so blessed by the five pregnancies we had.
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