Something painful woke me up at 11:30 and it wouldn't stop. Even when I tried to shower it away, will it away, pray it away. Labor had indeed started. After a quick call to my doctor and another three tries to get my sister roused in the wee hours we were off to the hospital.
We had the day right just not the time. "Nobody knows except us and Sara and Andy." I said to Chris on the way in. It was kind of fun to have a secret from the world, except for contractions part. Those really hurt and sort of dampened the mood.
At 3:25 another Anderson Boy entered the world. We hadn't exactly settled on a name but as soon as I saw that baby I asked Chris if he could be Micah. Chris had not been a fan of Micah, even after I wrote him an essay on why the prophet Micah would be a great choice for a namesake. But somehow, even as I held out hope for a girl, I knew we would have a Micah.

Even though things didn't go as I had planned (when will I learn I am not in charge?) , I feel blessed beyond measure.
Yes, yes, you are all blessed. We are so excited to meet this newest little Anderson. I hope you are recovering as expected. I know those big brothers (including little Daniel) are thrilled completely. You and Chris are wonderful parents; God knew you all needed this child and he needs all of you.
Congras, Suzanne!
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