Wednesday, October 16, 2013


My beautiful friend Bree asked me today what made up word I am.  I had to think on it for a good long while before I came to fresting.  A delicate interweaving of freaking out and nesting.

Why freak out?  We are bringing home child number four in 8ish weeks.  That freaks me out.  After Elijah was born I was certain one child was all I could handle but Chris convinced me that another one (or two) would be okay.  I am just getting comfortable with three and now here comes four (the one I begged Chris for).  What was I thinking?  Good thing I have a God who equips the weak and commands me to "Be strong and courageous!"  If it worked for Joshua I am praying it works for me.

I am also freaking out (just a little bit) because I am feeling like I need to get a whole bunch of things done before this baby arrives.  Like Christmas.  But if you know me you know I am a last minute shopper, not the "all done in November" kind at all.  I am thinking I will take a cue from my much wiser older sister and rely on the internet and delivery for this holiday season.  Freezer meals is also looming over my head.  I know my family would survive and John would think it was great if we ate eggs, pancakes, cereal, and mac and cheese for a month but the nutrition voice in my head says otherwise.

The nesting never ends.  I want to make sheets so new baby has cozy, flannel to sleep on.  I made a wrap but want to "finish" the edges so it looks nicer (for who I don't know; it's just in my head).  I need to get the dresser from Grandma Louise and move the other one into the "littles" room.  Then I need to wash some baby clothes, although I don't want to wash too much of it because this baby might be a girl and then I'll just have to put all that blue away.  (Please be a girl!)

Oh well!  Either way, fresting or not, a baby is coming in 8 weeks to join these three (I found this picture while getting things ready for a Christmas present for John...maybe there is hope.)

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