She has really done it this time. My sister (your mom) has done some whoppers in life. Pushing me out the garage window, tying me up and putting me in a closet, luring me to climb a tree with the ladder only to take it away...just to name a few. But this time she has REALLY done it. She went and named you after me. Me!

Lydia Suzanne. It is a beautiful name that goes with an equally beautiful baby. You are, you know, beautiful. {And I am sure you will be brilliant because your parents are.} I'm not entirely sure that your Mama had all her faculties about her when she named you. It did take a long while for you to decide to make your debut into this cold, bright, loud world. If she had, she may have remembered there is a lot of baggage that goes with the name Suzanne. Baggage I will talk to you about as you grow older. Baggage I hope to help you avoid.
We won't go into it here. It will shared in moments we get to share together, just you and me. When I can sneak you away from your protective brothers, loving grandparents, and all the other entourage that will inevitably follow you.
I had special times with the aunt I am named after. They were some of my most treasured childhood memories. Unfortunately, that namesake did not turn out to provide the best modelling. I promise to work hard to do better. I am not a perfect woman. I am an extremely talented sinner who bristles at correction but I promise to learn those lessons so I can share them with you.
With all my love and joy,
Auntie Suzanne
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