His coming was a suprise and came with never before experienced labor pains. I have to say I am very thankful that my Lord saw fit to make me a c-section mom; I am also very thankful for those who study those wonderful pain blocking injections! What wasn't a suprise was that he filled my heart so quickly. Most people know I was rooting for a girl. It is still my desire to have a daughter but in no way was I dissapointed when my doctor announced, "It's a boy!" I have always loved boys (just ask my sister or my dad). And truthfully I cannot argue with God's plan for our family, who knows what Daniel will accomplish in his life.
So far Daniel has been a sweet baby who loves to eat but is not too keen on sleeping in his bed. He will eventually learn to love that crib sheet his Mama labored over the weekend before he was born! He is well loved by his brothers. In fact, one of the things that touches my heart the most has been watching John become a big brother. He adores Daniel and sings to him and loves on him and plays with him and tells him stories and worries about him when he cries. Elijah, on the other hand, is much like his father. He loves Daniel and holding him but the second Daniel gets fussy he needs the noise to stop and Mama to take him and make it stop.
Daniel is named after Daniel in the Bible. The man who loved God so much that the threat of a night with lions would not deter him from praying and seeking the Lord. The man who trusted God would protect him and was not at all suprised when those big lions were like kittens in the presence of an angel of the Lord.
Jeffrey comes from our good friend, Big Jeff. Jeff seeks the Lord, leads his family, and runs a business with so much integrity. He is generous and loving and most of all a really fun guy.
This post sort of rambles but that is the state of my brain these days. While I love Daniel, I have to say the interrupted sleep is not on the top of my favorites list.
Welcome to the Anderson family, Daniel Jeffrey. We are a crazy lot and I have a feeling you are going to fit in just perfectly.
1 comment:
I'm glad you're getting lots of opportunities to snuggle your little one. He is such a sweetie. He is blessed to have such a wonderful family. Enjoy every minute you have with him.
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