Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So, I know it has been way too long since I have written on this blog. Over a month now. I just can't seem to get caught up, ever. My desk at work looks like the paper recycling barfed on it. To be honest, I feel like things are spinning out of control and that is something I am not good at. I need to be in control. But, as Beth Moore says, God will keep coming at you with the same lesson until you learn it. Apparently I have figured out yet that just because the hot water heater breaks, the laundry is a week behind, the driveway has to be redone, the wall in the bathroom is flaking, I didn't get a single interview for jobs I applied for, and my kids are not sleeping through the night because they are hacking with a cold doesn't mean that God doesn't love me.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Oh my, dear girl, life has thrown you a curve ball! I totally understand the back up of paper work. My light at the end of the tunnel is 7 and a half days of school left! I need a break and I need to learn how to get rid of my "savior complex". These kids are sucking me dry right now. I miss you, may just call one of these days for a nice long talk.
Hang in there.