Day One:
Ms. Jen, the Lunch Lady: Elijah would you like a taco?
Elijah: um, no just a torilla, please.
Day Two:
Ms. Jen: Elijah would you like some spaghetti?
Elijah: No thanks, I'll have a taco.
Ms. Jen: We don't have any taco's today, would you like some spaghetti?
Elijah: Sure!
Day Three:
Elijah. standing in line for lunch: Where's dessert?
Day Four:
Elijah: Can I have some ranch?
Ms. Patti, the lunch room monitor: Um, you want ranch with your peanut butter and jelly?
Elijah: Yes please.
That's great! Looks like Gethsemane is treating Elijah well :-)
Can't wait until he asks for some "hot snores!" :-)
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