Friday, August 7, 2009


I have been struck by a post my beloved sister and friend, Sara, put up a week or so ago about idle words and being accountable for all that we say. Her post has been festering in my heart. What gets me about it is not so much that I talk too much, nor that most of the time what I have to say is of no significance. I think more importantly God is really pulling on my heart about my idle time. I often spend my idle time with an idol, the TV. God wasn't kidding when he said, "Thou shall have no other gods before me." This is something I know, something I rationalize, and something I sometimes ignore. I have always loved TV. I grew up watching TV at night with my family. I love the characters and figuring out the story before anyone else. But it is idle time.

What really got me by the heart was when I was both speaking idle words and doing idle things at the same time. During a conversation with my sister on Wednesday I "profoundly" said that if someone is important to someone then they should make time for them. She was quiet (I am sure she was trying to figure out how to get me to stop talking) so I rambled on trying to justify my frustration with the relationship we were talking about. After we hung up God grabbed me and said, "Really, Suzanne, that must mean I am not all the important to you."

Uh...rats! I do believe that we make time for those things or people that are important to us but God is also right. I have not been making time for Him. What is wrong with me? I feel like Paul did when he said to the Romans, "For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing." (Romans 7:19) So I ask the question, why? Why do I allow myself to be so tempted, easily swayed, and lured away? More importantly what do I plan to do about it.


Barb said...

Oh, my friend, you have struck a nerve here. I'm not all that wound up with TV (although I'm sure I watch more than I realize, but I don't dedicate the amount of time with the Lord that I should. Tim and I have devotions together most mornings, but where is my time alone with Him?

Much to ponder. Thanks.

Sara said...

Turkey! Why didn't you disclose this revelation BEFORE I came? I would have run you around the 5k course all three nights instead of just one! :-)