Thursday, July 23, 2009

Learning to Swim

An integral part of any triathlon is the swim. To me it is the most daunting part. I chose the tri I am doing partly because the swim is supposed to be short, 500 yards. It later dawned on me that that is the same as 5 football fields. Not so short.

So in the past three weeks I have been learning to swim. My first time in the water was exhausting. My coach (Chris) explained that I should not kick my legs like I am doing the 50 meter dash but rather kick them like I am doing a 500 yard swim. To but it mildly I looked like a flailing fish, which is better than a beached whale, but not too helpful for a girl who has to swim in her triathlon. My second time in the water went better; I could actually breath and my flippers weren't working so much overtime. And so on I have progressed.

It dawned on me the other day that learning to swim is much like our relationship with God. We often dive in, not knowing what we are supposed to be doing, so we flail about in the water and then get frustrated and sink. We try it again, this time listening to our "coach" and learn a thing or two. As we continue going for it we get better and better at being authentic with God, at having a humble spirit, at spreading His saving grace to those around us.

I could certainly use more swim training, how about you?

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