Elijah came home yesterday full of stories of Buster (aka Baxter), Twinkles, and Buddy, who came with an explanation. "He doesn't like people Mommy. I just love him so much." We heard all about climbing a tree and how his finger got an owie that hurt. He explained all about swimming and splashing. "I gave Isaiah lots of kisses so he wouldn't miss his mommy," Elijah attempted to reason when I asked him to stop slobbering on his brother (John was wet with spit).
Needless to say, Cousin's Camp was the hit of the summer. Elijah is certain Grandpa and Grandma Patterson are much better at making goulash than Mommy and they are more fun too. He came home with the mark to prove it.
I laughed for five minutes after a friend noticed his mark.

Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for giving Elijah the best vacation ever!
I think I've figured out the mystery mark. We measured them on the closet door using a sharpie to mark the spot. I remember I later had to take the sharpie away from Josiah. I had forgotten that the counter is no longer out of reach.I didn't know about the tatooing session. Now I'm curious about what else may have gotten the mark!
We loved having Elijah this year. What a sweet, sweet boy!!!!!
Grandma Barb
Dear Elijah,
I laughed when I saw that someone had taken a marker of some kid and put what looks to me like a pretty well drawn question mark on the top of your beautiful head. You might have even told me about it, but honestly after I heard you say, Joe Joe touched me, a thousand times a day, I started to glance over quickly to see if you were surviving and then moved on. Sorry Suz and Chris. I told Barb, I wonder what else took place that I missed. I am sure lots.
Thanks again for loaning Elijah to us for the Cousin Camp. It was the highlight of my summer as well.
Grandpa Tim
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