Here I am, almost three weeks into motherhood 2.0 and the mommy fog is starting to set in. John is a great sleeper so most nights I get a broken 6 hours or a bit more so I really can't complain but I found the other day that I could not even get out of my jammies. This was fine by Elijah, he loves jammie days! Showers have become a luxury of every other day. And if I am not changing, getting a snack, or feeding one I am doing it for the other. Whew! But I love it. I think about how quickly it goes when I look at how grown up Elijah is already. When I think about how different things will be next summer when John is a year old and Elijah is 3 1/2, it makes me want to grip my boys and never let them go.

Wow! Elijah, how old are you? You look so big on a bicycle. I don't think I could ride one even with training wheels.
Hey, John. Can't wait to meet and hug and kiss you. WOW Talk about a hair dew! Let me buy some of your hair and glue it on my bald spot!
Hey, Elijah! I don't see anything wrong with eating lunch at 7:30!
Enjoy those guys! Suzanne and Chris
Grandpa Tim
See? I told you drinking coffee was a useful pasttime. :-) Still diggin' the 'do, John!
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