Sometimes I am just amazed at how two people can be so different. Growing up my sister and I were often questioned on our family status. "You two must be cousins, distant cousins." She was studious, organized, obedient, and often annoyed with her little sister. I was messy, always late or in trouble, and only got good grades because my sister got them. The one thing that stands out about our childhood is that I loved my sister and wanted to be just like her.
She always struck me as a girl who was confident in herself; I on the other hand struggled with what everyone thought of me. She was smart and beautiful and so talented and she had this...this..."thing" about her that I just didn't have. It annoyed me as a teenager because it was the one thing I couldn't pretend to copy about her.
She shared that "thing" with me when I was heartbroken and convinced at 17 that no one would ever ever love me enough to marry me. (Yes, I was a drama queen too) She shared the joy of the Lord, something I had heard and practiced before but had forgotten. She saved me, and it wasn't the first time nor the last. There was the time some cleaning water got "spilled" in the midsts of a fight one summer day. She quickly came up with a plan that would ensure no one got grounded. She has continually rescued me. Through all my irrational thinking, ideas, and troubles she has spoken the truth to me.
As Chris and I have been discussing names for our new addition we have struggled but the one name that we always agree on is Sarah. If we are blessed with a little girl she will be our Sarah Joy, mostly because my Sara has brought so much joy to me!
Thanks sis!
Awww! You're too kind. And a little overly generous with the compliments. I didn't save you. Jesus did. Pure and simple. But, I do love you!
What a great honor to your sister!I'm sure she'll beam with pride each time she hears your daughter's name. Of course, she'd beam with pride no matter what you name her!!
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