Friday, January 22, 2016


My dearest boys,

We use the word "listen" a lot, don't we?  "John, listen to what I am saying."  "Mom, listen to this joke."  "Can we listen to that song again?!"

But we don't really listen, do we?  We keep reading.  We plan responses/arguments/jokes in our heads.  We answer before the other person is even done talking.  God put it on my heart that I really need to work on my listening in 2016.  It's my One Word for the year.

I have a terrible habit of planning my response while others are talking.  I have a terrible habit of half-listening when others are excitedly telling me about something that happened last year (or yesterday).  I have a terrible habit of tuning out what I don't want to hear.

God tells us in the Bible a couple of times to listen to his son, Jesus.  Listening is important; being heard is not.  I once heard someone say, "God gave you two ears and one mouth so you should listen twice as much as you talk."  Yikes!

So, I am listening.  I am listening to what you say, what you don't say, and what your behavior is saying.  I am listening to what God is trying to teach me through studying His word.  I am listening to other moms and ladies who are way wiser than me so I can better mom you.

I am listening.

With Joy, my loves,

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Dearly loved sons,

Mama got a little (maybe a lot) off track on this blog.  I saw others garner attention, fame, and fortune from their little diatribes.  I feed a deep seeded need in my soul to be known, acknowledged, applauded.

My intention when I started this blog was to keep a record of thoughts and stuff (that's a technical word) for you to look back on when you are older.  I had no idea in 2007 that 7 years later there would be four of you but I am sure grateful there are.  I created it as a place to process my thoughts so that I could better teach you about life.  

But I haven't done that.  I have tried to be clever, cute and catchy.  Which has resulted in hurt feelings when the response was not what I expected.  Pride comes before the fall Solomon tells us in Proverbs 16:18.  God opposed the proud James tells us in James 4:6.  

All done!  I am sorry, boys, for getting off track.  For forgetting that you are my best audience.  I am rebranding (if I ever had a brand) this blog.  A collection of letters to you boys.  A collection you will hopefully cherish and learn from.

I love you all so dearly it nearly stifles me.
With Joy Always,