Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Glimpse at the List

2014 is the year of Gratitude for me.  I should have known that meant curve balls were coming and I would have to look extra hard some days to find the blessing.

300.  New babies:  Evelyn Marie
295.  Getting to know neighbors
310.  Micah clapping with pride or for randomness
244.  Morning dance parties
305.  Worship that brings tears
320. Falling leaves that blow into the neighbor's yard
240.  Daniel singing praise at church

And this.....
Daniel and his co-conspirator Caleb.  These two can giggle like nobody's business.  It warms my heart!

And her....
My Lydi Girlie!  Those eyes and her sweetness, a cure for all that ails me.
And don't forget...
Micah Mookie, Micah Man, Moomer, whatever you call him his smile calms frayed nerves.
 There are four other young men but they move too quickly for me to capture their joyful faces which I also count among my blessings.  One of them calls me Aunt Suzie.  One of them has a uniform that ensures he can sell popcorn to just about anybody.  Two of them entertain with hilarious magic and charm. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Like Mom

I've been told I am like my mom twice.

The first time I took it as a compliment.  My mom was organized, efficient, a super multitasker, and loving.  That woman could make a list and get it done like nobody's business.  And at the end of the day, despite any butting of heads, I knew she loved me; she told me so.

The second time, I stopped in my tracks.  Maybe this was not a compliment after all.  My mom had trouble pushing past the dark.  She had an addictive personality.  She was rigid and needed things done her way and in her time.  {Someone I love calls that putting the process before the people.}  She yelled when she was angry or frustrated.  She hated asking for help or appearing weak.

The hard thing is I am like her.  I am rigid.  I love a list.  I have trouble with the dark.  I yell.  I ...

But the better thing is I have something she didn't.  I recognize my weakness but I'm not afraid to call out for help.  The help I seek is eternal.  I continually go back to the worn pages of Philippians and Joshua and the Psalms.  The help I seek is rooted in promises centuries old from one who has never broken a promise.

Being like Mom doesn't have to be a compliment or an attack.  But, for me, it has to be something I consider as I go to my Father seeking wisdom and growth; mercy and grace.