Dear Elijah,
Tomorrow you begin a whole new chapter of your life, school. I know you keep saying you are not excited and that you are a little bit scared too and I don't blame you. Starting something new is scary, but you are going to do so great. God has prepared you for this. You are so good at making friends and helping others feel included. You are always willing to give it your best. These qualities will make you successful at school. And really you will be good at anything you try.
It sounds cliche but I can't believe this day is already here. I confess there were days when you were an infant when I couldn't wait for you to grow up but now here you are growing up before my very eyes and I would give anything to go back to the days of your babyhood when you would look up at me and smile and we could cuddle on the couch.
There are a few things you need to know about school. First, always respect your teacher, even if you don't like them. Second, not all homework or things you learn in school will seem relevant at the time (or ever) but always do your best anyway. Third, kids are not always nice and sometimes people will say mean things to you. Just remember, if it isn't true, don't let it bother you. And as much as I love you, I will not always be able to solve or fix it, but you can always come and talk to me about anything. And last, no girlfriends until you are 25 and absolutely no kissing until you are married.
I love you, Elijah! You are going to be a great kindergartner.