The grass is always greener on the other side.
I don't remember the first time I heard the expression but I have used it a few times when students are wishing for an easier teacher, an easier school, or an easier life. I am about to find out if the grass is indeed greener on the other side. For six years I have prepared for six different classes each day. I have often envied my public school teacher friends who only had to prep for one class and teach it all day long. For six years I have been the lone language arts/reading teacher in the building. I have often wondered what it would be like to teach with others who are in my area; to collaborate on best practices. For six years I have lived in one place while wishing I lived in another.
Now, as of August 22, 2010, I will get all the things I have been thinking about. But I can't help but stop and wonder. Is the grass greener on the other side or is it just different grass?
I am sure the root of this expression is in our human desire for something better or different than we currently have. I know mine has been. But once I stopped wanting something better for myself and focused on what God wanted for me; where God wanted me to be; and why God kept me where He did, the grass did not matter anymore. All that matter was that I walk on the path paved by a God who knows the end.