Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Break

Whew!! We just returned from a great spring break trip to South Dakota. Gone for nine days, driving 21 hours total and it was all worth it. The first leg of our trip took us to an overnighter at hotel Patterson, the most accomidating place I know of. We arrived late but stayed up even later visiting. Elijah, of course, did not sleep in and the look on his face in the morning when he saw his cousin 'Siah was priceless. While Elijah was excited to see his cousin, he was even more thrilled to be on his way to Grampa's. He has a tractor you know (its really a riding lawn mower but don't tell Elijah). The 6 hour trip went well thanks to the generousity of a coworker who loaned us their travel DVD player.

Our time in the Black Hills was great. Elijah had a super time playing at gramma and grampa's and Chris and I had a great time catching up with family. We even got to see some college friends that we hadn't seen in years!

After four days we headed out of the snowy hills east to Sioux Falls. Again, the joy on 'Siah's face when he got off the school bus was enough to warm my heart for months. The tornado began immediately and did not end for another five days. Grandma Barb and Grandpa Tim, AKA Grandpa Barb :-), lavished so much love on all of us it was just amazing. They gave 'Siah and Elijah a bath, at the SAME time and still had the energy to offer to babysit for a night so the Mom's and Dad's could go on a double date.

We went old school for our date, bowling! I was pitiful in the first round. 63 points was all I could muster after three straight rounds of gutter balls. I did forge a comeback in the second game when I figured out that I should lead with my right foot.

Easter was another fabulous day with new friends and a visit from Granny. What a blessing it was to spend the day with family and friends! Elijah went to Sunday school and proudly returned proclaiming, "Mom, Jesus is alive!" We drove home Sunday night and after a day of no nap and non-stop playing Elijah was at his wits end. Again the DVD player saved the day. In the middle movie number two, he finally passed out, even though both Mom and Dad were jabbering away to Auntie Melissa on the phone.

All in all it was a fabulous break. Thank you to all of you who hosted, fed, cleaned up after, played with, ate with and talked to us.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

God Speaks

"I want to hear Everlasting God, mom" Elijah says from the backseat.
"Okay, choochie" I reply. Strength will rise when we wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord. Each leg of our trip these words have wafted over me and the other day I was greeted with them when Elijah, in his precious singing voice, sang them from his room. It began to dawn on me that perhaps God was trying to tell me something.

So, okay God. I am waiting upon you! What's coming?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Things that make me happy

I remember watching a game show that was all about naming things on a list, I think it was called The $10,000 Pyramid, and I have been feeling a bit on the crabby side lately, so I need to change my point of view. Here is a list of things that make me happy ( in no particular order)
Going to Tuesday night Bible study
Kisses and hugs from my boyfriends
Baby kicks
Root beer
Talking to my sister on the phone
Hearing "Jesus Love Me" sung by my favorite artist, Elijah
New clothes
Not having to worry anymore
Knowing my husband loves me even though I look pretty round right now
Helping someone out
Ice cream
Planning a great week of meals
Crossing things off of my lists
Counting my blessings
Playing hide and seek
Nap time
Sleeping in
Hot showers
Flowers - for no reason
Reconnecting with old friends
Spring Break
Learning new things

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Thank You

Friends are so wonderful! Tonight our dear friends the Millbauers decided they needed an Elijah fix. I had a party to go to, Chris is out of town with the senior high kids from church, and I have been mommy-on-duty with no breaks for a long time, so I decided to take them up on their offer. To my suprise, their offer was extended to an overnighter. Yes, these wonderful parents of a sixth grader and a fourth grader, wanted to keep my toddler. So it is 9:00, I am blogging and when I post this I am going to go to bed. It will be silent; no little boy sleeping noises, no humidifer. In the morning I am going to get up, drink hot chocolate, do some bible study, shower, and then get ready for church. No rush, no negotiating, just peace and quiet. Thank you Millbauers for loving Elijah, for giving me a break, and for being such a great model of friendship!